Wasn’t it Air Traffic Control’s job to keep the American Airlines flight safe from the Black Hawk helicopter?  Can families sue Air Traffic Control to obtain compensation for their losses?  What’s involved?

Air traffic controllers work within the guidelines set forth in the Controller’s Handbook (pdf), which they often call “the Bible.”  The Handbook is hundreds

Domestic travelers can hold the airline liable only if their injuries are caused by the airline’s negligence. But if the passenger is traveling internationally, then treaties called the Montreal and Warsaw Conventions apply. Under the Conventions, whether the airline was negligent is for the most part irrelevant. An airline is responsible only if the

When the evidence needed to reconstruct an aviation accident is lost or destroyed in the crash, can the victim nonetheless hold whoever caused the accident accountable?

Yes, if the legal doctrine of "res ipsa loquitur" apples — Latin for "the thing speaks for itself."

Most courts recognize that air crashes do not normally occur unless someone, somewhere, was