EgyptAir Flight 990 departed JFK for Cairo. After reaching cruise altitude near Nantucket, it suddenly pitched down and crashed into the Atlantic Ocean. There was no apparent reason for the crash. The NTSB ultimately concluded that the cause of the crash was the co-pilot’s “intentional actions.” Specifically, the pilot suddenly pushed the yoke forward and
Vuckovich Says Post Defamatory
Monica Kelly’s lawyer writes to say that a entry contained false and defamatory matter about his client. He encloses a 2016 report of the Review Board of the Illinois Attorney Registration and Disciplinary Commission recommending that, contrary to the Hearing Board’s conclusion that Kelly filed a frivolous pleading and recommending that she be suspended for…
Fume Events In The News
Toxic cabin air can cause neurological damage to passengers and crew. Alaska Airlines flight attendants expose the risk. Mike Danko comments.
Study: ‘Toxic Air Events’ Happening On More Flights Than FAA Reports
Montreal Convention Permits Passenger to Recover for Fear of Infection
Plaintiff was on a flight from Abu Dhabi to Chicago. She placed her hand into the seatback pocket, and was unexpectedly stuck with a hypodermic needle that lay within.
Continue Reading Montreal Convention Permits Passenger to Recover for Fear of Infection
Monica Ribbeck Kelly Sued For Malpractice, Leaves The Country
Aviation journalist Christine Negroni reports in Forbes that Monica Ribbeck Kelly, the lawyer who instituted “frivolous” legal proceedings after Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 went missing, has herself disappeared. Not only was the Illinois Ethics Committee after Kelly, but she was being sued by victims of an airline disaster in China for promising to file…
FAA Turns Over Increasing Inspection Authority to Manufacturers
Four years ago, the NTSB questioned whether manufactures like Boeing should be allowed to self-certify that their aircraft designs meet FAA requirements. The NTSB suggested that “self-certification” may have contributed to the battery fires that were being experienced on Boeing’s 787s. After all, it’s the FAA’s job to make an independent determination that an aircraft…
Miracle on the Hudson Immersive Video
It was seven years ago that Kas Osterbuhr put together a nearly courtroom-ready reconstruction animation of Flight 1549. At the time, there really was nothing else like it. With the movie coming out, Kas went back and updated his work. Next worst thing to being there.
No Mayday Call from Egypt Air Flight 804
Aviation expert Clive Irving suggests that, because the Egypt Air pilots made no mayday call, they must have been killed before the aircraft crashed. In other words, the crash was the result of terrorism rather than a mechanical issue.
Normally in a fire and smoke emergency the pilots would have time to don smoke
Spirit Airlines Likely Immune from Allred’s Suit Alleging Airline Served Too Much Alcohol
Injured passengers have filed suit against Spirit Airlines in connection with last month’s drunken melee on board a flight from Baltimore to LAX. The plaintiffs, represented by Los Angeles attorney Gloria Allred, seek to hold Spirit Airlines responsible for the conduct of the unruly passengers who injured them because Spirit Airlines allegedly fueled the…
MH 370 Families File Last Minute Lawsuits Against Malaysia Airlines
Malaysia Airlines Flight 370 is still missing. Before filing any lawsuits, the families of those missing would certainly prefer to know what happened. But with a strict two year statute of limitations set to expire tomorrow, the families have to file suit now or never. So it’s not surprising that a flurry of lawsuits are…