Lisa Krieger of the San Jose Mercury News writes on a variety of issues related to this crash:
- Pilot’s Insurer Meets with East Palo Alto Residents. Residents who suffered property damage can make a claim against the pilot’s estate or his insurance poli
cy. The families of his passengers, however, probably cannot. Workers compensation laws prohibit a passenger’s family from suing the passenger’s co-employee (in this case, the pilot) or, for that matter, the passenger’s employer (Tesla). The families are, however, permitted to sue anyone else who may be responsible for the crash, such as a negligent mechanic or a manufacturer of a defective aircraft part.
- Palo Alto Airport Proposes New Routes to Avoid East Palo Alto. The airport can suggest that pilots avoid over-flying homes near the airport, but it cannot require them to. Only the FAA can do that.
- Palo Alto Plane Crash Likely Caused by a Lethal Combination of Factors. A pilot flying a heavily loaded twin-engine piston aircraft from a short runway in the fog is unlikely to be able to avoid disaster when one engine fails.
Related posts: Tesla Crash: NTSB Probable Cause Investigation